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Support Us

Kenya Community Health Clinic Ministries mobilizes resources from both local and international community to ensure a successful, affordable and sustainable community health is available to the local community. The local leadership of Ciothirai Methodist Church building Committee encourages local members of the community to financially support the clinic through annual fund raising efforts (commonly called Harambee). Every year the members of the church are involved in fund raising efforts to build the clinic.


The clinic appeals to international community as well to be involves in what is happening in Kenya. A few members of the international community have harken to the call and have responded and are now involved in raising funds to support the clinic through the leadership of the USA Board of Directors. We are appealing to both local and international community to help in making this clinic a reality. We encourage individuals and group participation in supporting this noble cause as we envision delivering quality health care to the people of Kenya.



Tax Informaion for:

Kenya Community Health Clinic Ministries

is a Tax-Exempt 501(C)(3 ) Non Profit Organization.


Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

We have a online donation page. Click any category Donate button below and donate. 100% of your donation goes directly to the Clinic.


We also have a form that you can use to mail in your donation. For mail-in donation, just click "Get a mail in Donation Form "

Prevention and Treatment of Common Diseases in Kenya.


Malaria in Kenya at Glance.

Malaria is one of the leading causes of death in Kenya. 25 million out of a population of 40 million Kenyans are at risk of malaria each year. One out of seven patients admitted to hospital has malaria.  Malaria is estimated to be the cause of 20% of all deaths in children under the age of five according to WHO.The clinic will engage in prevention and treatment of this deadly diseases.





HIV/AIDS Prevention in Kenya.



Statistics show that HIV incidences are declinig in Kenya. However, in 2012 out of population 40 million, it was estimated that  1.6 million individuals were living with HIV/AIDS and there were about 98,000 new infections. The clinic will provide antiretroviral treatment to those who live with HIV/AIDS and educate the community on how to prevent future effections.



Diabetes in Kenya.




387 Million people in the world have diabetes. In 2007 WHO estimated that 7 millions of humans in Africa suffered from diabetes. WHO expect the incidences of diabetes to increase in Africa by 2030. In 2014 there were 775,200 reported cases of diabetes in Kenya. The clinic will provide health education on how to manage diabetes and engage in preventive programs to control this from becoming an epidemic.




  • Equipment



  • Medication



  • Staff Salaries



  • General Fund




  • Staff Training

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